Articles mentioning "Facebook".
New Logo and Marketing Buttons - 2011-07-17 19:49:56
I changed the logo again, as I do every once in a while just for fun. I also added facebook recommend buttons and Google plus.

MySpace Social Network Improvement Suggestion - 2007-08-04 23:45:33
A suggestion for improvement on the MySpace website to better enable communication and shared thoughts among individuals.

Gravatar and Facebook Flickr Twitter Flotzam Masher - 2007-07-19 06:04:03
I found a cool little site today, which is growing. "" You've heard of Avatars right? The little icons that go next to your name when you post something (especially on a forum)? Well, when you post on the internet at select websites, which use the Gravatar feature, it will use your "Gravatar" no matter which website your on.

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