Articles mentioning "Act".
New Video Games of 2008 or 2009 - 2008-06-29 07:32:36
There's 3 games I"m looking forward to coming out within the next year or so. The list goes like this:

Law is Not Perfect - 2007-12-31 23:14:50
The law is an attempt at establishing what's commonly perceived as right. Laws themselves is not always right. That is why the law is an "attempt," that is why we can appeal case settlements, because the law is not always right, and human intervention must be there to ensure that. However, with automating traffic ticket distribution, taking away an officers personal judgment, it is making it harder for human intervention to be possible. It's becoming ridiculous.

Angry Mean Face - 2007-12-22 19:52:32
Acting is a form of art. It takes an extremely large amount of something to truly make me mad and that doesn't happen, so I'm acting for this photo here.

Cold Reflexes - 2007-11-22 11:41:33
The point of this article is to explain and illustrate the likeliness that the reflex ability of the human species humans is affected by the temperature.

Autisim Is Like Vegetables - 2007-10-30 10:00:06
Autism is characterized by a lack of social interaction. You know what does all of the talking and leaves no room for interaction? Television (TV). A baby or child can cry, scream, and babble at the TV, but the TV does nothing. What does that teach the child? Well it doesn't teach them that social interaction is logical - It's like talking to a brick wall, there's no fruit in it.

Conclusions from General Observations - 2007-07-23 03:36:53
Conclusions on multiple topics from general observations, dealing with psychology, acting, self, and more.

Special Characters for ASCII Art - 2007-07-14 06:24:11
Nine hundred and sixty eight special characters for you to play around with for your ASCII or text art. Many of these work for many people, your internet browser (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox) doesn't seem to work, it's likely because you don't have the fonts on your computer, no biggie. A lot of these though you'll be able to use on websites like MySpace to spoof up your profile loudly or subtly, depending on where you put them. Not very many people know where to get these special characters (often referred to as ascii characters and used for text art, so you know).

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