Articles mentioning "Digital".
Heal Heaven Love and Peace Series DLR2 - 2016-01-24 23:05:03
This post contains artwork of the words heal, heaven, love and peace, plus establishes DLR2 as my signature.

Recent Art of mine from 2011 - 2011-07-26 03:39:28
I've posted some new artwork on my deviant art account lately.

Flash Memory For Digital Cameras - 2008-03-26 22:41:52
There probably already are some cameras out there that use flash memory (thumb drives) for memory, but I haven't come across a single one.

Sunflower Photograph - 2007-12-21 18:28:35
This is a baby blooming bright yellow sunflower! I know it's amazing, you don't have to tell me. With the Sanyo digital camera, the sun flower and I were very intimate.

Name Generation X - 2007-11-30 06:06:58
According to the Generation Y article on Wikipedia, Generation X is a term which was "originally coined as a pejorative label." X is also a common way to refer to something that is unnamed as well (or as called in Wikipedia, a Placeholder name).

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