Articles mentioning "Dog".
Dog Sick A Capella - 2009-01-09 22:46:17
I was sick for most of the holidays and I lost my voice. While my voice was whacky, I decided to have some fun with it and fun was what I did have! I sang on the way to work one day then thought it would be fun to record too. So, I recorded it!

Cute Japanese or Chinese Kitty - 2008-01-28 02:35:50
This little orange cat is pretty popular on the web. It's ears seem shorter and fold forwards unlike other house cats (at least in USA), but it makes it cute. Kind of like a bulldog, except more orange.

Making a Balloon Dog Trick - 2007-07-11 22:48:47
Watch an entertainter or clown make a balloon dog and you can see for yourself how it's done.

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