Articles mentioning "Ecard".
Entrecard Speeddropping - 2008-02-22 15:47:32
Speed dropping is a unique way to build up Entrecredits fast. It basically works by clicking an Entrecard ad on someones site, which takes you to the next site (most likely with a card), then you drop on theirs, then go to the next, closing out the windows previous when convenient.

Potty Mouth Awareness Funnie - 2007-11-10 21:06:10
This funny may be used to make someone aware of their potty mouth, i.e. when they're cursing (or cussing) more than they're talking. I use it jokingly :D

Poopygirl Funny eCard Image - 2007-11-10 20:49:18
Funny picture of a girl poopin! Do Girls poop? Of course they do! See here!

Sea Turtle Baby Birthday eCard - 2007-10-18 21:29:32
Here's a lovely sea turtle laying eggs. Ok, well maybe that's not what it is, you'll have to watch and learn!

Poopy Girl for Birthdays - 2007-10-18 21:08:48
Some people ask themselves the question "do girls poop?" Well now is your chance to spread the message that they do, contrary to popular belief!

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