Articles mentioning "Phone".
Does Straight Talk Work with Credit Card Readers? - 2013-03-04 01:05:44
I've been searching for months for a credit card reader that works with my pre-paid Straight Talk cell phone plans from Wal-Mart. These results are shared with you.

New Mobile site and archive!!! - 2008-07-27 06:12:18
I'm pretty excited to announce that I've completed two major projects regarding this site. First is the Archives and second is the MOBILE VERSION OF CHEXED.COM! There, you've now witnessed my excitement in full frontal capital letters.

Maryland Comcast Job Experience - 2008-01-16 19:24:33
I used to be a technical support employee on the phones at Comcast. and it was a very pleasant experience. They had great benefits and the way they trained the employees really made me have a different outlook from a customer point of view as well, because they really respect their customers. Every business runs into problems that are tough to solve, but at Comcast they really have people even on the lowest end of the totem pole of superiority and workplace authority who try adamantly to get the problem solved... I was one of them.

Solve A Realtek Audio Front Port Problem - 2007-08-15 04:13:27
If you use the Realtek audio configuration software and the front audio ports aren't working on your computer, this will likely solve the issue.

Are Movies More Important Than Our Conversations - 2007-08-09 04:52:29
When someone is having a conversation with someone, especially people they are around often, usually who they care most about, and the phone rings, they usually take the call, and speak with the caller until what was intended to be said was said.

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