Articles mentioning "Smile".
Coke and Dew Smile - 2008-06-16 13:36:03
My wife drinks a LOT of cocoa cola and makes sure others know just how much she loves coke. We decided to start recycling all of the cans we were saving for art projects.

The Whole World Smiles With Cheese - 2007-11-10 21:22:05
Cheese is definitely the best. It's even better than milk.

Google Chat Formatting Commands - 2007-09-29 06:17:25
Tired of chatting in Google chat with plain text? Would you like to know a few little rarely known formatting command tips? Here they are!

I love you but I forgot your name - 2007-09-16 10:15:43
I don't remember trivial things Names, dates, times, all the same Your personality and your smile

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