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Waterhole Gathering of Insects: Arts
Waterhole Gathering of Insects

By: David Rader II on July 23, 2013 @ 3:26 PM

If wasps, flies and beetles can get a long, so can black, white, brown, yellow & red people. We may not be the same color, but we have the same number of legs, eyes & wings. We can also communicate with each other beyond a "you're not eating me, so we're cool right?" level. That's all got to count for something!!!

waterhole gathering

Taken today around 1:30pm about 90 degrees out. The tree was in partial shade, but they chose branches in full sun.

Feel free to download and use a larger size of this within the creative commons license. Available on Flickr in multiple sizes. Flickr link.

Tags: bugs insects racism 


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