If you're in the business of buying and selling domains, or you're just looking for that special domain, these are a few I've found a that are good ones and aren't registered yet.
Be sure to subscribe to my Internet Technology feed to be sure you get the latest updates. While not every post will have domains listed, I do plan to post more in the future, I have many in notes... This is where they will be listed when they are posted.
#1soundtrackgeek January 07, 2008 @ 10:19 PM
Hey, just out of curiosity. Where do you find these names? Great find!
#2Chexed January 07, 2008 @ 10:38 PM
I think of them myself. Thinking of things that haven't been thought of before is one of my talents... It just happens to be good for finding good domains (and usernames!). I blame it on empathy.