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How To Make Your Own Coffee DIY: Funny Funnies
How To Make Your Own Coffee DIY

By: David Rader II on August 18, 2013 @ 11:40 PM

Had an idea for Iced coffee. I failed miserably, but the photos were a success! The ice tray broke and there was almost no ice by the time I was done blending!! LOL!!!!!!!! However, it was cold and frothy. Also, there so much coffee left over I think I'll drink enough coffee tonight to cancel out my morning cup!!!! Nothing like a cold cup of coffee before bed said very few people ever probably........ Random: New meme in relatively common speech "said no one ever" - funny. David Rader II is hilarious, said no one ever. No, really. Really. Seriously. Yes, seriously. I think I killed this joke like those ice cubes.

Iced Coffee

Wasn't a frozen coffee.

Tags: caffeine coffee diy fail 


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