--New Update July 22, 2011--
I've felt since I first wrote this post that I needed to clarify my choice of words. Where I mentioned "If I were just a slightly weaker person, I'd keep the mindset that "that's what I get for looking out for someone else," I should have elaborated that I have been guilty of being that person and have been trying to stamp that out. I still have that thought cross my mind sometimes, but I think I've been so far successful for the most part keeping it at bay.
--End of Update--
Although I've posted this in the "funnies" section on my website, I assure you- at the time, it was not funny (for me).
As I was leaving work, I went to throw away a piece of broken glass, but I thought the trashmen might get cut on it... So, I figured I'd wrap it up in a piece of cardboard. I could only find a huge piece of cardboard, but then my hands were full, so I set my laptop down against my car (in a black bag).
With the night coming close in the winter, I failed to see my laptop laying there when I got in the car. As I drove off, I drove over a speedbump I never realized in the middle of the parking space before. It was not a speed bump. It is- was my laptop.
My laptop of only 2 months off the shelf is now broken. If I were just a slightly weaker person, I'd keep the mindset that "that's what I get for looking out for someone else." Instead, I will see this as an opportunity to figure out how to fix this laptop screen.
I broke an LCD screen on a digital camera at work about a year ago... It was easy enough to replace... Laptop screens seem much more tricky though. I have been challenged by the technology Gods. If they defeat me, then I may go back to the pity party line of thought, which I hate to even consider. If I win and learn how to fix this laptop, THEN BROKEN LAPTOPS BEWARE, MY LCD SCREENS WILL BE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

Despite trying to keep a positive attitude, I cede "this sucks." I bought the laptop for work and I can't replace it- HOPEFULLY I can replace the LCD screen cheap and HOPEFULLY that's the only problem.
I've decided I don't like driving over laptops and I don't want to do it anymore.