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Photomanip Selfies: Funny Funnies
Photomanip Selfies

By: David Rader II on February 20, 2014 @ 12:30 AM

The first one I did with Abe started off as a joke for my boss who told me "Don't ever shave until you look like Abraham Lincoln!" After that, my friend challenged me to make one photomanipulation selfie per week. So far, I've kept up! These are what I've done so far. Hope you enjoy!

Dave and Abe
"Dave and Abe"

Dave and Elvis
"Dave and Elvis"

Dave as Nathalie Weinzierl
"Dave as Nathalie Weinzierl" (the excellent ice skater!)
Original by Nicole Trucksess. License: CC BY-SA 3.0

Dave with Clinton Obama and Carter
"Dave with Clinton Obama and Carter"
Original by Pete Souza


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