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Secret Hand Wiping Places: Funny Funnies
Secret Hand Wiping Places

By: David Rader II on March 29, 2008 @ 7:01 PM

An ancient secret from thousands of years ago has recently resurfaced. When Confucius was creating a standard etiquette to be used in the world for a time far beyond his own, there was something he left out.

The esoteric knowledge of The Art Of Handwiping is now here, exposed for the first time thousands of years. There is a verse of the poetic Haiku along with illustrations that helped the ancients remember it that will be shared with you.

1. When in doubt, the pocket is stout

2. Cuffs are not just for jailing

3. Socks may be your rocks

4. Shoes are definitely where you stand

The prowess of the ancient haiku writers is astounding, but even more amazing than that are the illustrations which you've viewed here. During the crusades they were accomplished and stored, luckily stored for the photos to be taken and put on the internet in the 21st century.

#1 Daisy the Curly Cat March 30, 2008 @ 10:55 AM
Very educational! Here is a haiku I made up, based upon my experience with dirty paws:

Your paw gets dirty
Wipe it on your mom's shirt-y
Unless dirt is poop

(I might need more practice writing poems)

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