Camel Toe Traffic Contest

By: David Rader II on July 13, 2008 @ 7:56 AM

There are a lot of ways to get traffic to your blog. One thing is certain though, sex sells and while free stuff doesn't sell, it's popular too! Who doesn't want free stuff? What about free sex?

Well that's what porn is. Now with the right sense of humor, you can get some traffic to your site with something like celebrity camel toe, including Paris Hilton's camel toe (look real good below the mid section!). Let me guess it's not what you were expecting right? lol. Swollen Pickles sure knows how to pull it off!

Sometimes people run contests offering something free (usually for someone else's time/effort) to help in increasing traffic to their website. For example, the blogging noob is running a contest to increase his RSS feed subscriber base by giving away an ipod and some domains.

You can also participate in link building opportunities as well like the Link Back Project. Even if you own a small site, that doesn't have to stop you from thinking big and marketing like the big dogs: the more places your music/blog/name are out there, the more people will see it!
1. The Linkback Project
2. All About Crime
3. Foolsville
4. Guy Vestal
5. SunEGrl Loves To Shop
6. Great Ways to Make Money Online
7. Shabam Development
8. CoffeeCoffeeCoffee~the blog
9. Kinky Personification
10. Da Kinky Kid Speaks
11. Josh Ottley Dot Com
12. Cebu Entrepreneur
13. Random Detoxification
14. PoeARTica
15. CoolAdzine for Marketers
16. Best Blog in the Universe
17. Ctrl + Alt + Delete : Personal random journal and reviews
18. the blog lab
19. Bradley Hankins
20. The Radical Blog
21. Get Rich Quick !? Really ??
22. Musikalye - Music is a two-way street
23. Planeta Turismo Activo
24. Swollen Pickles
27. Picture to People
28. Your Fun Family
29. Mob Me
30. David Rader
31. YOUR NEXT! Just follow the instructions here.

This article is part of a series to help webmasters, bloggers, and bands find ways to increase traffic to their sites. See the rest of the articles to get more visitors to find you.

#1 Flisha July 30, 2008 @ 11:23 AM
Hi! The list is complete. Hope you could update your blogroll to reflect the rest of us. :)

I'm #13, Random Detoxification, and I've changed my URL. You don't have to but it would mean a lot if you could please update it. Thanks!

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