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Dating SQL a MySQL RFC 822 Date: Internet Technology
Dating SQL a MySQL RFC 822 Date

By: David Rader II on June 25, 2007 @ 6:28 AM

The following text will return RFC 822 compliant date and time via MySQL or SQL.

$sql = ("SELECT *,
FROM example_events
date_format(saved_date, '%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT') as as saved_date
FROM example_events
ORDER BY created_date

Where saved date is the date saved in your MySQL database. and % is specifying the MySQL date formats.

Here's what seems to be a good page if you're having trouble with MySQL now() and SQL time Hopefully that will help you on your way to getting your time zone information fixed quick fast and in a hurry, straighten out your time zone.

When you think you're closer to done or even finished, you can Validate your RSS (XML), ATOM, or KML feed.

I've written something in case you want some more tips on marketing your RSS XML or similiar.

Tags: mysql rss sql xml 


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