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RSS XML ATOM KML Marketing: Internet Technology

By: David Rader II on June 25, 2007 @ 8:15 AM


Along my journey of trying to find where to upload my feeds to, I realized that there are a LOT of places. So I'm listing them here for you to see some of my top picks, so you don't have to scour the web for hours like I did.

Acquired by Google, the feedburner must be getting your stuff out there it seems safe to assume right? They really do have some really cool, useful, and time saving features. "Burn Your Feed." Well, don't look at me, that's what they call it. Also, I believe I found the following link through FeedBurner, except it took me quite a while to figure out how to add multiple feeds to the widget, so I made a new link for example!

Have an interactive widget to display your feeds on the fly! Just replace my feeds which I made links so you could locate easier.

Automating del.icio.us Digg & more using Javascript or PHPAutomate

More automation for delicious, digg, technorati, blinklist, furl, and reddit

Similar to the ones above, here are the official links to Digg Integration

Something I gained along the way: My Own Personal http://technorati.com/people/technorati/chexed>Technorati ProfileTechnorati Profile! You can ping technorati if that's what you want, but then again, you can do that at FeedBurner too.

Since I'm saving you so much time and "time is money" or something like that, how about you donate some of that to me.


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