FeedM8 Mobile Feed Delivery [FM8538-71]

By: David Rader II on July 30, 2008 @ 1:30 AM

This is my formal review of FeedM8. I set up a few website feeds with them a while back to make sure people could subscribe by cell phone if they wanted to.

At the time, I didn't have a mobile version of my website to begin with though, so I didn't put too much time into it. I actually forgot about it for a while, but now that I have a mobile blog version of this website, I've begun looking back into FeedM8.

After getting my forgotten password sent to my email, I logged into FeedM8 and saw that I had earned some money. Not much, but not bad for not putting much time into it. Apparently advertising is served in the mobile feeds and that makes money.

For readers: You can subscribe with their cell mobile devices (cell phones)! You'll get text messages letting you know when there's been an update. Sure, you have to deal with ads a bit, but for this free service, the benefits out-way the cost- No more going to the same website 3 times a day when it has the same content as yesterday.

For Writers: Your readers can get updates through their cell phone! Unfortunately, there's no choice to turn the ads off, but look at it this way: Even if you don't want the ads, you'll get paid to make writing more content just that more desirable.

My overall rating for this is an A+ for Publishers and for Subscribers!

Subscribe yourself:

To verify (claim) a websites feed as your own, you have to put a piece of code in the title of a post. It can later be removed, but I'm leaving it in so you can see what I'm talking about.

#1 metro pcs August 14, 2008 @ 5:44 PM
Been wondering when something like this was gunna come along. I mean, just about everything else can be done on a mobile now.

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