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Free Microsoft Word Cheatsheet (Timeless): Internet Technology
Free Microsoft Word Cheatsheet (Timeless)

By: David Rader II on August 28, 2011 @ 11:26 PM

A couple weeks ago I was trying to remember a Word shortcut, I decided to print out a cheatsheet so I'd never have to go "searching" again. I couldn't find a free one I didn't have to register for. Now all of the most useful shortcuts and tips can be found in one location hanging on my wall...

Enter the timeless free Microsoft® Word cheatsheet! I made it, so I can verify this one is legal to copy, sell, distribute, and even change if you want to. Considering nearly all of this works with older and newer versions of Word, it's been labeled "Timeless."

Here's the download file:

Here's a preview

If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment and if possible, I'll update it.

#1 Internet Lawyer February 18, 2013 @ 6:53 AM
Thanks for sharing this. This will be really grateful for word users.

#2 Alan Smith February 25, 2013 @ 2:59 PM
I think this is fabulous !!!!!!!!!

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