Anybody can report here. Yes, even you. By: David Rader II on March 07, 2010 @ 2:08 AM
That's right. If you've got something important to say yet it seems like no one wants to listen, why not send it here? Heck, why not send it to all of these places if it's important enough to warrant the time?
Twitter - sortof
You *almost* need "followers" for people to notice you wrote something. The ease of posting once established is fantastic.
Spread the word. Spread your word. Listen to others. Communicate with others. Continue becoming yourself.
Perhaps this kind of free speech will keep our humanity honest, humble, and forgiving.
Don't give yourselves labels, do not reduce yourselves to a cage of words, open yourself to all of those words and beyond. Explore with care. Witness life with care. Live with care. Make amends to yourself, others and everything.