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The Words: Blogcatalog
Articles mentioning "Blogcatalog".
Footer Cleanup and a New Logo - 2007-12-20 12:33:04
I changed a few things on Chexed.com last night. The logo and the footer to be specific.

For The Good Of The Whole - 2007-12-10 06:12:23
Besides this text above the line below, what was written here was a response to an article I was reading. I changed my approach many times. It didn't help that I was watching Thelma and Louise while typing. This article is basically a LOG of my thought process in regards the the aforementioned article.

Remembering The Outdoors - 2007-12-09 07:48:03
These days, there's millions of people who blog about their lives, how their co-workers suck, how things on the internet are going, how new video games aren't as good as they had hoped, but when it comes to the out doors... It's lacking.

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