Articles mentioning "Book".
New Logo and Marketing Buttons - 2011-07-17 19:49:56
I changed the logo again, as I do every once in a while just for fun. I also added facebook recommend buttons and Google plus.

Bad Licensing for an Educator - 2010-07-01 20:28:05
I'll let you pay me to teach you some higher education material, but depending on how useful it is throughout your life, you may need to pay me some more.

War is a Racket - 2010-03-21 15:07:20
I just watched a really intriguing video on youtube, found via a website called YOUtopia INstitute. The video is what appears to be an adaption of the book, War is a Racket by Smedley Butler.

Tao Teh Ching Book Review - 2008-07-11 08:11:33
A couple months ago on PBS, I saw a lecture or speech by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The speech was oriented on thoughts and meditations he had on each line of an ancient book. That book is the "Tao Teh Ching."

MySpace Social Network Improvement Suggestion - 2007-08-04 23:45:33
A suggestion for improvement on the MySpace website to better enable communication and shared thoughts among individuals.

Gravatar and Facebook Flickr Twitter Flotzam Masher - 2007-07-19 06:04:03
I found a cool little site today, which is growing. "" You've heard of Avatars right? The little icons that go next to your name when you post something (especially on a forum)? Well, when you post on the internet at select websites, which use the Gravatar feature, it will use your "Gravatar" no matter which website your on.

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