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The Words: Gimp
Articles mentioning "Gimp".
Broken Hard Drive? New Software! - 2009-04-18 18:04:27
So my computer hard drive, where many pictures, emails, arts, Windows, and more were suddenly stopped working the other week.

Mirror Art - 2008-01-16 19:58:45
Mirror Art is one of those things that are just amazingly awesome and simple to create.

No Time Mirror Painting - 2007-12-21 12:53:28
Done using oil AND metallic acrylic paints. Modified using GIMP.

Photoshop Alternative GIMP Free Download - 2007-10-28 12:12:02
This is a graphic program, very similar to Adobe Photoshop, except for one major difference, the price! It's absolutely a free download.

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