Articles mentioning "Joke".
Put a Man On The Sun!!! - 2017-01-10 00:03:16
We shall travel to the sun.

Abraham Lincoln On Space Invaders - 2016-10-01 23:08:09
Space Invaders Are Gonna Get Us ~ Abraham Lincoln, 2016

When Monday is Lost - 2015-09-07 14:58:29
What happens when you lose a day of the work week? What's worse, what happens if that day you lose is Monday?

IPAD 7 Revealed on WIREZ Magazine Cover! Parody - 2012-07-15 02:55:48
Parody IPAD 7 Magazine I cooked up. L33T (elite for you non-geeks).

Article Number TWO HUNDRED - 2008-01-28 02:47:29
This marks article number TWO HUNDRED!~!! I'm excited to the point where my dark soul smiled a little bit over my hard work and achievement. Just kidding, my soul is not dark, at least, I hope not.

Cute Japanese or Chinese Kitty - 2008-01-28 02:35:50
This little orange cat is pretty popular on the web. It's ears seem shorter and fold forwards unlike other house cats (at least in USA), but it makes it cute. Kind of like a bulldog, except more orange.

Get Rid Of Spam PERMANENTLY - 2007-12-22 00:18:52
Finally. Spam is a thing of the past.

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