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The Words: Pain
Articles mentioning "Pain".
US Navy Mapping Blimp in Maryland - 2013-09-29 21:23:52
This blimp flew over my house today, but I wasn't able to get a picture in time.

MS Paint doodles Mike Mike Man Bug Flower Pig - 2013-09-24 23:05:28
A few MS Paint doodles I've done this month.

Sleepless Night - 2011-12-27 02:16:21
When I know I have nearly died from lack of sleep why do I remain awake

Broken Hard Drive? New Software! - 2009-04-18 18:04:27
So my computer hard drive, where many pictures, emails, arts, Windows, and more were suddenly stopped working the other week.

Swallow My Ego - 2008-09-27 12:58:13
I have not done a painting in months Maybe a year so no one wants To comment on my images. I feel not angry though unsatisfied

A.I. Seeking Revenge - 2008-09-02 18:09:27
A processor, a gear, a power supply, and just about anything else in regards to vital essentials for a machine with consciousness is as to we humans as a finger nail; equally replaceable.

Lovely Roman - 2008-04-26 01:39:56
I was Roman from place to place No matter where I went, I was Roman

Painted WH40k Space Marine Scout - 2008-02-19 11:05:32
I used to love playing Warhammer 40k, now I'm auctioning most of it off on eBay! I've been in the process of auctioning it off over multiple years.

No Time Mirror Painting - 2007-12-21 12:53:28
Done using oil AND metallic acrylic paints. Modified using GIMP.

Art Happens - 2007-12-18 19:50:59
That's right, art happens and it happens starting NOW!

Amazing Human Feats - 2007-12-14 09:44:23
This article is written to express human ability where little credit is given. It seems our society would rather take a pill from outward and bring it inward than use what is already in side of us.

Painted Car is Artistically Awesome - 2007-07-22 05:29:29
It looks like somebody got bored, had some paint, and maybe ran out of painting canvas. Their car became their canvas. Who else wants to do this to their car?

Gymnast Takes A Hurting - 2007-07-13 03:47:52
A gymnast makes a small vaulting mistake that turns into a painful lesson. Gymnast's go through so much pain for gymnastics.

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