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The Words: Thought
Articles mentioning "Thought".
Old Wisdom - 2013-05-27 01:26:46
There was once a fly rabbit who's parents never traveled near the hole near the lake and always acted scared when even near it.

OPEN MINDEDNESS - 2010-04-16 19:21:44
Open mindedness

External Electricity to Internal - 2009-08-07 20:42:50
Could electrostatic power be harnessed efficiently?

Control Your Thoughts - 2009-05-25 21:05:39
If you knew where your thoughts could take you, you would want to control them too.

Selflessness and Children : One Liners - 2009-02-28 21:16:03
The most selfish thing I've ever done is have a child. The least selfish thing I've ever done is remain a parent.

Twice As Tall - 2008-04-12 00:32:31
When I've looked in the mirror through my life, I've judged my height or big I was through it. I think a lot of people do that.

Ancient Wisdom Applied to Modern Gaming - 2008-02-28 16:59:36
As mentioned briefly before, I use gaming as a tool for achieving enlightenment (and having fun at the same time). I believe as martial arts, chess, calligraphy and many other sports can bring to light life's subtle truths,through questioning experiences, so can gaming. This is what I have written

We Are The Cure For Addiction - 2008-01-30 11:23:55
I find it kind of funny how in this age of humanity we look so much towards medicine for cures, that we forget the things we already have. In this case, will power is the subject. Anyone who says they can't battle addiction because it's a physical thing, well so is your brain, believe it or not. Buddhist monks can set themselves on fire in protest, sacrificing their lives, physically overcoming their primal instinct for survival for the betterment of the whole, but some people think they "can't" stop drinking.

For The Good Of The Whole - 2007-12-10 06:12:23
Besides this text above the line below, what was written here was a response to an article I was reading. I changed my approach many times. It didn't help that I was watching Thelma and Louise while typing. This article is basically a LOG of my thought process in regards the the aforementioned article.

Humane Direction - 2007-11-12 22:33:57
For the first time in history, one can say what humanity is doing as a whole. We are more connected with more information than ever before.

What I Believe Changes - 2007-10-16 02:36:54
What I may believe at one time is likely to change. It seems to me that there would be something wrong if my beliefs didn't change as I learn more.

Accelerate Your Mind and Love Your Restless Legs - 2007-09-28 02:34:44
Sometimes people make fun of fidgeters and pacers. Well, I've got something for you who pace and fidget. I heard on the news over a year ago, maybe two about some studies that were done mentioning how exercising can improve mental capacity. Maybe that relates to restless legs or pacing.

A Funny Question On What Is The Meaning Of Life - 2007-08-02 00:33:05
A funny question so often said... "What is the meaning of life?"

Happiness and Self Control - 2007-07-24 07:18:42
Talking with a smooth flow shows that you are in control of your emotions. This seems to be a state often found in feeling happy.

Conclusions from General Observations - 2007-07-23 03:36:53
Conclusions on multiple topics from general observations, dealing with psychology, acting, self, and more.

Honey Bees decreasing A Possible Cause - 2007-07-20 04:11:36
I was thinking, what could possibly be causing the decrease in Honey Bee populations. One thing I've heard a few times is parasites. Though I could be wrong, it doesn't seem like there's that many interactions between honey bee hives, so how could the parasites be spread to much?

After I Thought About You - 2007-07-04 05:30:02
Today after I thought about you the stars seem closer than they ever do. I can almost

Exploration is a must - 2007-07-04 05:12:17
The one thing everything (including everyone) can take part in.

Controlling Thought - 2007-07-03 03:35:23
Can one thought end all thought?

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