Articles mentioning "Video".
Flash File (SWF) to Screen Saver! - 2010-08-01 20:09:20
Are you a Flash Animator? Is there a funny flash video on the internet you'd like as your screen saver? Well, now you can for FREE with INSTANT STORM!

Finally, I'm a Netflix Affiliate - 2010-04-02 19:04:13
I've liked Netflix since the first time we met. She has online videos- I think that's hot. After boasting about them for a while, I decided to sign up for their affiliate program. This way, I can get paid while I'm boasting them, something I enjoy doing (when I watch a good film).

War is a Racket - 2010-03-21 15:07:20
I just watched a really intriguing video on youtube, found via a website called YOUtopia INstitute. The video is what appears to be an adaption of the book, War is a Racket by Smedley Butler.

Facts of Life YouTube Video - 2008-11-18 22:27:21
These are the facts of life people. This is what you need to know! I don't know if it's all really true or not, but I remember hearing most of it at some point in my life before watching this video.

Mister Fred Rogers PBS - 2008-08-19 14:02:25
When I was little I used to watched Mister Rodgers on PBS and I enjoyed it. Now that I've got a little one of my own, I'm watching Mr. Rogers all over again! I can't say that I'm as entertained as before, but it's easy to feel relaxed watching it with my kid.

2008 Olympic Fireworks Video - 2008-08-09 07:00:32
After watching the fireworks of the opening ceremony on TV last night, I thought I should share the moment with everyone who missed it (or wanted to see it again).

Concentrated Music Daft Hands - 2008-08-05 22:06:38
Good stuff, good stuff! I stumbled upon a cool video (which apparently a few million people may have already found) where someone uses their hands to show the words of a song... So simple, yet SO COOL!!! I bet it took a lot of concentration to get it down though.

Running Out of Oil - 2008-08-01 14:17:03
I sent a message to (an obviously far direction of whatever wing they're on democratic group) with this message..

Net Neutrality with Obama and McCain - 2008-07-23 15:14:01
While some major telecom companies are pushing for control over the internet, we're still here fighting.

Free Internet TV updated 2008 - 2008-07-01 16:21:30
I just finished updating a list of free internet tv I made a while back. I get quite a few visits on it, so it must be useful to a lot of people! I want to make sure I keep it updated for everyone and let you know when it's updated (or just let you know about it in case you didn't already know!).

Winter Sucks Commercial - 2008-02-14 04:25:20
I think this is a funny commercial, depicting the possible troubles of winter.

The Dark Knight Footage Found - 2008-02-01 11:51:22
Batman, the Dark Knight lost a video tape... Lost it in a fire... Sorry for the bad quality... This was the best it could be reconstructed due to the fire damage.

Cute Japanese or Chinese Kitty - 2008-01-28 02:35:50
This little orange cat is pretty popular on the web. It's ears seem shorter and fold forwards unlike other house cats (at least in USA), but it makes it cute. Kind of like a bulldog, except more orange.

Hungry Cats In The Morning - 2008-01-24 03:46:14
This cat is such a nice cat. The artist did a funny job illustrating this little cartoon, it really depicts how cats can wake you up in the morning with a little kneading, some love scratching, and other snazzy stuff.

Alptraum Experimental Film - 2008-01-20 03:09:52
My friend Necroidian made this short film, he is an upcoming director in the world of awesome, something you probably know a thing or two about since you're here at

Birdman Brothers Forever Song - 2008-01-16 22:41:55
I heard an awesome song on American Idol, We're Brother's Forever by the Bird Man. This song is awesome because it's different. It was sung with undoubted passion and the choice of lyrics was great, in my opinion. The Bird Mans name is actually Renaldo Lapuz and he's from Reno, Nevada.

Self Sustaining Ecosystem - 2008-01-01 04:00:04
For a few years I performed an experiment. Something that as you get to know me more and more, and find myself doing more and more often.

About That Favor You Owe Me - 2007-12-23 19:13:23
I know it's been a while, but I'm going to have to bring that favor up. This video is for YOU PLAYA!

A New Page Not Found - 2007-12-23 18:42:47
In light of recent events, a compromise do be exact. I've made a few new security adjustments on the site. So whenever someone tries to go to a page that I blocked, they will be redirected into a rather rude "404 Page Not Found" page that constrains this video.

I Want To Be Famous - 2007-12-08 07:18:12
How do I do it? What's the quickest, most cheap, and most fun way that doesn't degrade my values? I've been given a sign.

Huge Video Host List - 2007-12-04 14:13:35
Now you have a snazzy list to help you figure out which company out of this list of over 100 video hosts will have the honor of hosting your videos!

Free TV Project and Legal - 2007-10-13 05:26:12
Using the tools provided here, you can legally get free movies, new series, live streaming local news, cartoons, sports, and much much more on your computer from the internet. This will allow you to use your computer as a TV. With the right video out card, you can even hook your normal TV set up to your computer and play the free videos you find here on your likely bigger TVs. One day cable TV and likely satellite television as we know it is very likely to be obsolete... Using a video out card is a great way to keep our out-dated TV's up to speed with our modern computers.

Vine Of Knowledge Makes Me Think of Molars VS Pliers - 2007-10-01 05:54:24
Vine of Knowledge makes me smarter, sip by sip. Thinking about pulling out my wisdom teeth (molars) with pliers too.

I Am So Normal - 2007-10-01 05:41:59
Some words and then some song about being normal and not weird. The search for normalcy.

A Little Bit About Cheese - 2007-09-28 02:59:31
I like cheese, it's one of my favorite edible things, so I decided to make a little video about it. As you'll see in the video though, things are a little complicated and I seem to of had a tough time sharing my opinions about cheese.

Addicted Cola Drinker - 2007-09-26 15:36:32
Some people have caffeinated addictions, this one is of Cola. Save this dude.

Get Paid for Sharing Your Photos and Images - 2007-09-24 18:02:44
In my opinion the most important part about these services is that they enable you to share your photos more for free, but all of these services will get you paid by sharing your images and photos and why not? The people who we most currently host our images on make money from our hard work, so why shouldn't we too? They all also offer interesting communities to take part in as well if you choose.

Talkin Bout Janie at The Enterprise Burger Joint - 2007-09-24 03:14:10
Some people go through a drive through and are serviced by an automated fast food restaurant.

A Doot Doot Tune Song By David Rader II - 2007-09-24 03:08:55
After deciding to make up a tune, it was sung.

On Saving Money Quitting Smoking and OMalley - 2007-09-24 03:05:19
I want to quit smoking and here I talk (and slightly debate with myself) about what I need to save money on.

Rambling on About The Way It Is - 2007-09-24 02:58:47
Here I'm talking about practically nothing. Just rambling on saying things are the way they are because that's the way it's meant to be.

Persuasive Speech and Water Reserve blog 6 - 2007-09-20 20:31:31
What makes a persuasive speech? This video is pretty long. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I suppose it depends on the water. I show you among other things, a water reserve, a military shovel made in Taiwan and a canteen too.

Burping and Air Crap blog 5 - 2007-09-20 20:19:35
I belched on camera, it happened. "When you gotta go you gotta go" the saying goes, and sometimes it's the same for a burp.

Bathroom Tour Being Honest blog 4 - 2007-09-20 20:05:39
I'm talking low because everyone except me is sleeping. So I don't do too much (very much) here.

Talking Low blog 3 - 2007-09-20 19:58:05
I'm talking low because everyone except me is sleeping. So I don't do too much (very much) here.

Who Are You blog 2 - 2007-09-20 19:53:42
I'm meeting the audience, you. Greetings earthling!

Staring Into The Camera Blog 1 - 2007-09-20 19:47:48
My way of saying hi... Silently.

Praying Mantis Eating Bumble Bee - 2007-08-14 15:50:47
While walking through our back yard, in Maryland, I thought I saw a bumble bee. I bent over and it was not a bee but a Praying Mantis, eating a bumble bee and it was already half way through!

Alternative Powered Personal Battery System - 2007-08-14 05:21:39
Perhaps someone should make something to make use of energy we have on us. We all gather static electricity, instead of letting it zap us, let's use it!

Bumble Bee on Sunflower - 2007-08-07 05:43:14
A bumble bee gathers pollen from a sunflower here in this video. There's also some photos linked to in this article so you can have your visual appetite a little more fulfilled today.

Painted Car is Artistically Awesome - 2007-07-22 05:29:29
It looks like somebody got bored, had some paint, and maybe ran out of painting canvas. Their car became their canvas. Who else wants to do this to their car?

Physically Handicapped Breakdancing - 2007-07-17 07:55:46
These guys REALLY go at it in this video, break dance battling. Seems like they must practice a lot too, because they're really good. Hopefully I don't sound condesending when I say this, but I admire their courage to go on and do such activities.

Wii Wiimote Out of Control - 2007-07-14 18:59:01
A free video clip of someone with a sweaty hand using the Wiimote (Wii remote controller, for Nintendo Wii video game system). Apparently, the straps are too thin on the Wiimote.

Father Daughter Quality Time - 2007-07-13 04:17:37
A father decides to spend some quality time with his daughter in a creative way.

Gymnast Takes A Hurting - 2007-07-13 03:47:52
A gymnast makes a small vaulting mistake that turns into a painful lesson. Gymnast's go through so much pain for gymnastics.

Boss Gets Pranked and Owned - 2007-07-13 03:40:04
A relatively overweight gentleman who's employee's call "our big fat boss." In my opinion (onion), this was probably unpleasant for the boss, but he may have a sense of humor that accepts this type of behavior.

Bicycle Accident - 2007-07-13 03:19:32
Luckily it doesn't seem as anyones been seriously injured in this video clip of a bicycle crash, but it looks like someones family jewels may have been temporarily damaged.

Someone Swallows A Magnet - 2007-07-13 03:09:23
Someone eats a magnet, then proves it by having a magnet tossed towards his stomach and the magnet is sucked to his stomach. Magnets are fun.

Demolition and Disposal of Missiles - 2007-07-13 02:46:15
The Demolition and Disposal of 22 Spartan Missiles.

I Went to The Panty Shop - 2007-07-13 01:57:08
This funny parody cartoon on The Candy Shop song by 50 Cent is going to make you laugh your rocks off. Check it out The I Went to The Panty Shop video!

Spot a Camoflaged Person - 2007-07-11 23:42:56
A little something for the survivalists out there, this video will show you how to spot oncoming friends or foes with homemade infrared technology.

Tornado Principals Home School Project - 2007-07-11 23:21:42
This is a video which will show you how to make a mini tornado. It's great for kids projects, especially for home schoolers.

How to Solve a Maze Adobe Photoshop - 2007-07-11 22:53:29
Using a few tools in Adobe Photoshop, a person with an Apple computer solves a maze (I think it's cheating).

Magic Trick How To Pull a Knot Off String - 2007-07-11 22:34:22
This video will teach you how to pull a knot out of a string (without untying it!).

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