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All Physical things are Gases (or a series of): Thoughts
All Physical things are Gases (or a series of)

By: David Rader II on April 12, 2008 @ 3:17 PM

When we refer to solids, liquids, or gases, we do so not realizing that it's relative to our perspective.

If we were a Raft Spider, water would not seem as a liquid, but rather a malleable solid, such as solid gold or a parachute.

If we were a giant a thousand times the size of any galaxy, then planets themselves would seem as gases.

So why do we treat them so differently in science?

I think things in general are much more alike just as they are different... Black is the opposite of white, but they're both affected by each other if mixed in the same way, so to some degree, they both react on the same principals even while being opposites. Indirect opposites also act the same way, such as black mixing with blue.

This method of thinking can probably be applied to modern scientific or philosophical problems to help solve them. Although it may seem (and be) a paradox, one can be right and wrong at the same time, just keep that in mind if something so right does seem so wrong.

On another note, while I'm on the topic of paradoxes, a paradox is ultimately possible, from my learnings. If accepting the possibility that a paradox may be correct, let me explain a paradox in simple mathematic terms...

Paradox = +1
No Paradox = +0
1 + 0 = 1

Paradox still wins.

I don't know of any observable evidence to support that a paradox is impossible.

If a paradox is impossible and possible at the same time, then the possibility of a paradox ultimately wins out. So logically, it seems illogical to support the idea that a paradox is impossible.

In fact, I can make a paradox up this quickly:
Red is blue, but blue is not red, and neither are any other things.
If I can do it artificially this easily, after some time doesn't it seem mother nature would do it mistakenly by sheer chance?

Maybe I'm wrong here, maybe I'm right.
Time may tell, hopefully without blight.
Comedic relief: Don't take things too seriously, they're serious enough already

As you may have noticed, I've given quite a bit of thought to paradoxes with a majority of inspiration left to the explanation of my theory for the beginning of the universe and how nothing is everything.


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