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No Salt Added vs 50% Less Sodium: Thoughts
No Salt Added vs 50% Less Sodium

By: David Rader II on June 04, 2011 @ 6:55 PM

Last year I stumbled across something great in the grocery store. Grocery store brand (Giant) "No Salt Added" cans of corn! As months went by, I started noticing even more canned foods with No Salt Added on the labels, such as peas and carrots.

I've told numerous friends and family about it in person, explaining the huge difference in sodium. Now I've taken some pictures for my friends on the internet of DelMonte brand canned vegetables who have even started making a "No Salt Added" selection.

As you can see, the sodium content between No Salt Added, Regular, and even 50% less sodium is more than 1,500%. That's a lot.

Now that I've got the inside scoop on the latest food trends, my kids get to benefit with vegetables that taste like vegetables (instead of salt) that are more healthy for them too. Ok, so my wife and I eat them too :)

In case you wonder why I have a particular interest in this health-related aspect of food, I've been watching my sodium intake since I was around 14 when I learned about high blood pressure from my parents talking about it. I'm amazed at how far below the radar sodium has fallen regarding its health-risk associations. I remember hearing it pretty often for a little while on TV when I was a kid. I assumed this had stopped because it was common knowledge now, but when I tell people, they say "Really?"

DelMonte and Giant brands have not endorsed this and I claim no ownership over their brands, trademarks, etc.

#1 Fleur June 22, 2011 @ 10:22 AM
Hello, is this something new in the US? I am in the UK and we have no salt and/or no sugar added tinned products and on processed foods all the time. In fact it's a key marketing tool to promote a healthier option!

Interested to hear if this is something that is just happening in the US?

#2 PappyPoet January 23, 2012 @ 11:40 PM
I've been meaning to respond to this for awhile, but am just getting around to it. High salt content food is not only bad for your heart, but it also adds fluid to your body. As you get older (and more sedentary) this can mean swelling in your feet (causing much discomfort) and can disrupt your sleep by enlarging the veins in your neck. Simple steps to help would be to hide the salt shaker at the table, and do NOT add salt while cooking. It works!

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